Looking for a business book that's substantial enough to help you build skills, but light enough to give you a chuckle at the same time?

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Presenting for Humans: Insights for Speakers on Ditching Perfection and Creating Connection!

Picture of Lisa pointing at the book Presenting for Humans: Insights for Speakers on Ditching Perfection and Creating Connection with the words "Happy 5th Birthday!"


As speakers, whether advanced or inexperienced, whether speaking in ballrooms or in board meetings, we all face the same challenges. How do we create compelling, relevant, and useful content for our audiences in a way that they are able to take our messages and use them to transform their work or lives?

How do we engage our audiences and make a human connection, so that they can envision for themselves the possibilities we present and take steps to achieve them?

And what kind of growth and personal development do we have to embrace to get ourselves into the right mindset with the right attitude to support and encourage our audience’s growth?

It’s not as hard as you think to make these shifts and transformations, both for your own benefit and for that of your audience.

There was a time when I thought the most important things about speaking were artfully using my hands, or impressing people with big words, or heroically avoiding saying “um.” (I will confess here that I was on the speech team in high school, and perhaps some of the habits I learned there needed to be unlearned.) Yes, I thought speaking was all about me.

We are humans, speaking to humans, and we neglect to take the full scope of this into account. We are thinking beings, yes. But we are also feeling beings. We are imperfect beings. We are impulsive and annoying and funny and rude and thoughtful beings. And we are infinitely creative beings.

I want to help you view speaking in a new way, so that you can apply your life experiences to your speaking and bring your own unique perspective to your audiences.

Here's what I want for you:

1. That you enjoy speaking for the energy you share with an audience and the human connection you create.

2. That you embrace the possibilities for transformation and growth that you bring to the audience in service to what they need, want and care about.

3. That you find and celebrate your own style, voice and personality as a speaker and wholeheartedly bring that authenticity to the stage or conference room every time you speak.

4. That you achieve the results you're looking for, whether it's increased self-confidence and empowerment, gaining customers and clients, or fostering the change you want to see in the world.

And whether you’re trying to master this skill so you can make a living at it or just trying to get through those team updates your boss keeps asking you to do, you'll find new perspective here.


Check out a few of my Amazon reviews:

"What I love about this book is that it practices what it recommends ... Lisa tells great stories, she is vulnerable and approachable, and she cares about the audience (reader) first and foremost.

What a delightful and practical book for those of us who stand up in front of board rooms and auditoriums! I recommend it to anyone who speaks a little or a lot in their career; this book WILL make you stronger."

"Lisa has a colorful way of telling stories to convey powerful lessons about speaking. From how to let go of your need for perfection and how to turn a failure into a win to 5 things you can learn from event planners and what a Vitamix demo can teach you about public speaking, her style is entertaining and informative.

Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced speaker, this easy-to-read book guides you through numerous tips and techniques you can add to your toolbox. Pick up your copy today."

"Entertaining, engaging, and very practical! This book is FULL of stories with lessons for speakers of all levels.

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned pro, you will find really practical tips here on improving your attitude, performance and audience connection."

"Wow! I just got my hands on Lisa Braithwaite's book and I can't put it down. I have a stack of great books ready to be read, studied and applied to my business. Key word is 'ready.' I need to dust some of them.

Lisa's book is digestible, witty and helpful on so many levels. I'm getting up early to get my Braithwaite fix before I dive into my day. Get your copy before they're gone."

"What can you learn from tattoo artists, drag queens, and cheese plates? You'll learn how to boost your confidence and improve connection with your audiences! I highly recommend Lisa's book! Presenting for Humans is a great summer read!"

This giveaway has ended, but you can still purchase Presenting for Humans at the following links:

Amazon paperback and ebook: https://coachlisab.com/pfh

All other ebook formats: https://coachlisab.com/ebook