Want all my best resources and recommendations that I use to run my online coaching and training business?

As a small business owner, I do a lot of my own back-end, admin and creative work
This means I need products and services that are easy, efficient, and don't require me to be an expert in anything other than what I'm already an expert in: public speaking coaching and training!
Everything you'll find on this page is a resource I use, love and highly recommend.
What's inside?
In my Little Black Book, you'll find links to programs offered by my favorite business coaches, the coaches who've helped me grow my business over 18 years.
You'll find links to the products and services I use to design my website, organize my email list and marketing, create graphics and social media posts, manage my finances, and send client thank you gifts. You'll also find the freelancers I've used for things like creating my author banner, removing background noise from audio recordings, and designing a superhero image of myself!
Some are affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you purchase the product or service.
Some come with a special discount when you sign up.
I never recommend anything I don't use personally! The Amazon resources alone are worth their weight in gold!
Get all my best resources - free!