Are you a business or nonprofit leader who's being asked to give increasingly abbreviated presentations?

Are you finding your speaking slots shrinking from 60 minutes... to 30 minutes... to 5 minutes?

Are you struggling to fit your content and engagement into smaller and smaller containers?

If so... you can breathe a sigh of relief. I've got you covered!

Is your next presentation full size or fun size?

Since March 2020, organizers of conferences and events have embraced the convenience and lower cost of virtual events.

And that convenience has also led to more speakers being asked to deliver in shorter time frames, like my client being asked to provide one of ten presentations in an hour.

Here's just a quick example of all the kinds of presentations that are now being delivered in under ten minutes (many of them in five minutes or less):

Conference breakout session
Pre-recorded training session
Introducing a topic
Introducing another speaker
Emcee/awards presenter
 Project report or results
Business pitch
Nonprofit fundraising pitch
Private corporate mini-training
Public mini-training

While my recent micro-presentations training gave an overview of what you need to know to create a successful presentation, I've also been asked for a more practical, hands-on option.

After all, it's quite painful to be requested, as a subject matter expert, to fit your vast catalog of knowledge into a pocket-sized container!

That's why on April 28, 29, and 30
I'm offering a
on micro-presentations!

A mini-retreat on micro-presentations! No travel required!

Over these three half-days, I'll show you exactly how to leverage the "power of five" (minutes!)

● Get crystal clear on your presentation's purpose

● Determine your most critical core points

● Develop a tight structure

● Plan your interactions and timing

● Prepare to adapt on the fly

● Keep the attention of the 5-minute audience

...for a concise, crisp and compelling presentation that inspires your audience to take action without doing a brain dump, being long-winded and verbose, or stealing your audience's precious time.

The last thing you want is for your audience to turn off their camera and mic, and go do the dishes with your presentation on in the background.

But if you're used to winging it, preparing at the last minute, or going over your time... you're going to struggle with five-minute speaking slots!

Micro presentations are unique, and you have to approach them differently, with careful preparation, practice and razor-sharp timing.

If you think five minutes is too condensed for you to say what you need to say, it's time to rethink your approach!

"One of my concerns about signing up for the mini-retreat was that I would part with my money but not advance my project or skills. Thanks to Lisa, I was really able to see where I'm too deep in my own knowledge to be effective at communicating what needs to be shared – and fix it.

I really enjoyed learning from the comments about other participants' projects and connecting with the other participants, because we all fit together synergistically.

Lisa is really good at finding the gold nugget at the core of your presentation and honing the abilities you already have to enable you to share that with the world."

Elizabeth Gould
Right Brain University

"I was attracted to Lisa's micro-presentations retreat because of the promise of laser-focusing a tight little talk, and having it presentable by the end of the retreat, and indeed that is what I got from it!

Lisa created a friendly, comfortable atmosphere to create in, with the support of the other members of the retreat as well. We were able to go deep into each person's valuable content and challenges in condensing it for a short format talk. I appreciated getting feedback on how my talk would play with a new audience of "cold" leads -- that is, the other members of the retreat and Lisa.

Lisa gave targeted feedback in a way that made it feel very do-able to apply the recommended changes, to focus on the most important and "catchy" aspects of my talk. Lisa brings a warm sense of humor as well as a strong sense of how to edit and tailor the material."

Ranya Renee Fleysher

Square orange clockFor 15 years, I've been providing corporate training to a wide range of companies and nonprofits, and coaching nonprofit leaders to pitch their programs to raise funds. During these training days, the attendees are asked to give 3-minute presentations for practice and feedback.

And inevitably I get asked the big question:

Why can't we have more time?

And I'm only being partially sarcastic when I respond "If I give you four, you'll want five. If I give you five, you'll want six. Where does it end?"

Here's the thing. If you want to make an important point, you can make it in an hour, with a lot of supporting details and evidence and persuasion. You can also do it in five minutes or three minutes or one minute, with fewer supporting details, evidence and persuasion.

You just have to know how. And this is what I'm going to teach you.

"I strongly endorse Lisa Braithwaite’s Micro-Presentations course. I even picked up some awesome and creative ideas for my full presentations.

Since I took it, I’ve applied her process to two presentations - a micro and a full. Both were so clear with terrific flow AND tremendous impact! In fact, the organizer who invited me was crying at the end.

Uplevel your presentations - virtual needs a lot more magic than stage, and Lisa brings it!"

Cindy Tchosik, Ghostwriter & Speaker for Mental Wellness

Group photo

"Edith in yellow sweaterEmailing after a very restful Saturday and reflective Sunday, after the completion of the Micro-Presentation workshop. Rawe/awesome!

I loved it! THANK YOU.

I have come away with some key learnings about myself and others, AND a 5-minute presentation framework that has set me up to present more effectively for impact, engagement, information, AND fun.

The format enables me to ‘grow’ the korero/speaking in such an effective way and with practice easily and effortlessly."

Edith Chaney

It's time to get rid of

The fat, the flat, and the fluff

The fat:

Extraneous stories, activities, slides and content that might be juicy, but don't fit

The flat:

Statistics, data, your life history, and anything dry that's going to put your audience to sleep

The fluff:

Content that's there just for the sake of entertainment but will waste precious seconds

Here are the top three problems I see tripping up speakers when it comes to micro-presentation:

  1. They don’t have a tight structure. Their ideas are all over the place and they don't lead their audience down a clear path to a desired result.
  2. They resist editing. They're still trying to fit everything they know into a tiny container. And no, this isn't an excuse to talk faster!
  3. They don’t practice properly. They have no idea how long their presentation is going to be because they haven't built in the necessary time cushions, and they end up going long.

I'm not saying surgical precision is Lisa Braithwaite holding a scalpelrequired, but you will need to be more precise than you're used to in your longer presentations.

Furthermore, you still want to engage and interact with your audience, right? Just because the presentation is compact doesn't mean it should be dreary.

Like all meaningful and memorable presentations—the ones where the audience feels inspired to take action and motivated to create change—micro-presentations can be powerful, funny, entertaining, moving, illuminating, instructional and persuasive.

What's awesome about this training?

⏰ You'll leave with a complete five-minute presentation. Not a practice or sample presentation, but a complete one!

⏰ You'll present to and get feedback from an audience! Not just me, but an audience from diverse industries and backgrounds - you won't be "preaching to the choir."

⏰ You'll present virtually, using the tools that you need NOW in our current world, to persuade, engage and inspire action from your audiences.

⏰ You'll get a framework for expanding your "fun-size" presentation into a full-size one, so that this presentation can be the foundation for later workshops.

You'll learn how to repurpose your 5-minute topic into articles, videos, memes, and additional content

Important info and deadlines

Dates: April 28, 29, 30

Daily meeting time: 9-1 PT | 12-4 ET | 5-9 BST

There are only four spots available in this mini-retreat, so that each participant gets personalized coaching and feedback.

Register by March 24 to access my 2-pay plan (two payments one month apart).

Register by April 21 to receive a goodie box in the mail to sustain you through our three half-days of learning!

Final deadline to register is Monday, April 26.

Register now!

Frequently asked questions