Fellow speakers:
Do you wish you could get through your presentation without feeling like you were falling apart inside?
Do you wish you could take the stage at your next presentation just radiating confidence?
Do you wish you could understand the secrets to being a more effective, more memorable, more engaging speaker?
Now you can, with my AskLisaB Q&A recordings!
Listen in on my popular call series as I answer common public speaking questions like:
“How can I be funnier when speaking?”
“How can I develop that attention-grabber opening?”
“I have a lot to say. How can I get my point across in a timely fashion?”
“How do I exude confidence?”
“How do I stop saying ‘uh’?”
“How do I deal with someone who’s dominating Q&A?”
“How do I command attention?”
“How do I best prepare?”
“How do I avoid getting tongue-tied?”
“How do I prevent myself from blanking out?”
“How can I get more speaking practice?”
“How many slides is the ‘right’ number?”
“How can I maintain my authenticity as a speaker?”
“Sometimes just asking questions does not motivate the audience to respond. How do I get them to participate?”
“How do I get and keep the audience’s attention?”
And more!
Download each recording individually, or get them all for a discounted rate! Eachaudio is 42-55 minutes long, pure content!
What you’ll also get: Each recording is accompanied by articles, blog posts, videos or book recommendations that support the topics in each call.
What you WON’T get: Upsell! These calls are pure content. There is no offer, no pitch, no selling. Nothing but my best answers and resources to support your public speaking needs.
Read on to find out which topics are covered in each call…
Make it easy and get ALL this great content — all six audios and all resource materials — for just $129. (If you were to buy all six individually, you’d pay $162)
Grab all six now!

Single audio recordings:
>> Audio #1: Humor, Openings, Fillers, Preparation
Questions answered:
How can I be funnier when speaking?
How do I deliver a strong opening?
How do I stop saying “uh?”
How do I properly prepare for a presentation? Structure and timing.
>> Audio #2: Confidence, Standing out, Off the cuff, One idea per slide
Questions answered:
How do I exude confidence?
I want to try something new and different. I’m concerned I’ll just be treated like entertainment.
How do I avoid blanking out?
How many slides are appropriate for a two-day seminar?
>> Audio #3: Get practice, Authenticity, Keep the audience’s attention
Questions answered:
How do I get practice speaking?
How do I stay authentic as a speaker?
How do I keep the audience’s attention?
>> Audio #4: Public Speaking Pet Peeves
Poor grammar and language
Misquoting research and statistics
Starting presentations late
“People fear public speaking more than they fear death.”
>> Audio #5: Participation, Q&A, Dumb questions
Questions answered:
How do I get the audience to respond to my questions and to participate?
How do I deal with someone dominating Q&A?
How do I deal with “dumb” questions?
>> Audio #6: Tongue-tied, Self-introduction, Being too hard on yourself
Questions answered:
How do I avoid getting tongue-tied or jumbling my words?
I’m uncomfortable introducing myself in a group. How can I get better at this?
I’m too hard on myself and feel that my presentations are never good enough.